Tuesday 13 September 2011


ehem~ehemm...maybe i shouldnt post this but..what do i care..i still wanna post it..

upper 6 farewell party gonna be held at our school<-for the 1st time wei buat kt sklh,slalunye buat kt hotel2..awesome x?

at first my tugas during farewell is..ajk kebersihan.. "Fifi~Fifi..Fifi jadi ajk kebersihan ye.." hmm...fine,..eventho pd mulanye x dpt menerima hakikat dlantik mjadi ajk kebersihan..dh mcm2 idea kuar dr otak,nk bawak plastic smpah hitam la,kain buruk la...itu la,ini la yg bkaitan dgn cleanliness...


today... "FIFI~FIFI..Fifi jadi mc ye utk farewell nti" "HA??!!!kenapa plak??!!" "Cgu Azwa suruh" "Ade script x?"<-blom ape2 hal dh tnye pasal script..ish.."ala,..nti Fifi bincang2 la dgn Cgu Azwa" OMGee!!i wasnt expected this at all..aku dh bersemangat nk jmpa Cgu Rodzi,since dia cgu for ajk kebersihan..tgk2..jd mc..huhuhu..tp x taw confirm ke x..dh x yakin dgn dorang sgt nie..ape tidaknye,farewell tu next week..tp mggu ni baru nk bincang2 pasal makanan la,itu la,ini la....btw i would like to say Thank You to Pn Azwa my B.Melayu teacher since beliau telah memberi namaku kpd mereka2 yg terlibat utk dilantik menjadi mc..ohoo...i dont know whether i should accept it or not..1st time weh,dh la dgn penyakit "parkingson" lg..cube bayangkn tgh2 mc-ing,tibe2 pyakit "parkingson" nie dtg..pastu dgn tibe2 mic termasuk dlm mulut nti,haru~haru...

psst:*sniff2*..hmmm..bau ikan goreng...wanginye....hahaha